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Child Eyecare

It's essential to recognise that eye issues can manifest at any stage of a child's development. Timely vision assessments can identify potential concerns, ensuring they are addressed before they advance. Thus, it's crucial to schedule your child's vision appointments consistently.

By age 3, children should undergo their initial thorough eye assessment, followed by check-ups every two years once they commence school. For those already equipped with corrective lenses, annual evaluations are recommended.

A child's perception plays a pivotal role in their learning curve. Until about 12 years old, much of a child's learning process is visually based. Unfortunately, many youngsters might be unaware of their vision discrepancies since they lack a point of reference to distinguish normal vision.

While overt signs like complaints of eye discomfort or challenges with school tasks might be easy to spot, subtle cues are often missed. This makes routine eye checks invaluable.

Indications that your child might be struggling visually:

  • Limited attention to objects at a distance
  • Preferring to be up close when watching television, observing classroom boards, or holding items near their face
  • Habitual squinting or apparent light sensitivity
  • Challenges with activities demanding hand-eye synchrony, like catching.
  • A Glimpse into a Pediatric Eye Examination

During the vision evaluation, our specialists will:

  • Assess the responsiveness of the pupils to light stimuli.
  • Examine the eyes' proficiency in concentrating on and trailing items.
  • Use a retinoscope for a detailed look at the eye's interior.
  • Children might be presented with distinctive symbols or shapes rather than the standard letter chart. For the younger ones, the "rotating E" activity is handy; here, they're queried about the direction in which the letter 'E' is oriented.
  • Post-assessment, the specialist will deduce if your child requires corrective lenses. In scenarios where lenses are prescribed, annual re-evaluations are pivotal. As a child's eyes evolve, periodic lens adjustments might be necessary.
Schedule your child's all-encompassing vision assessment with us today.